Thursday, 31 January 2013


I prepared the table for dinner,handed out the plates,forks and cups!!

We had a great dinner..I told him everything from A to Z and I told him that he's the only person that knows about the bad game I'm playing on Jude,khalid and Saleh..

He shared me my tears,sadness and my happiness..I love abdulaziz!!

Well I was happy for opening my heart to Abdulaziz and I was sad as well cause this is the last time I'm seeing him cause WE ARE GETTING READY FOR EXAMS!!

I went home..
It was 9:30pm

I went inside and said: salam!!
Ahmed and Mama replied: ow 3alekum elsalam..
Ahmed: ta3alay lolowa ow golele shnu sawetay?inshallah stanstay?

R7t 7ag Ahmed ow gtlah kel shay 9ar!!
9ert agolah kel shay lana ehwa elwa7eed ely ywasene ow ysa3dne!

Ahmed: Eem,3ayal ana baklem Abdulaziz ow agola khal yamsek rfeja!
Lolwa: bes A7mdou la tyeblah 6areei please..
Ahmed: Eeh akeed,maslmtay 3alay?WAINN MY HUG?bes khalas z3lt z3lt
chan ygom
I grabbed him hardly from his hands ow gtlah: A7bek ya a7la brother eb hal denya!
He blushed and said: ow ana ba3ad a7bech yal ghalya


I went to my room,pushed my self to the bed wela..
Jude was calling me!!

I Answered: Hala?
Jude: wainch yal sakhefa ma ts2leen,ray7a elchalet weya your cousin ow matgolen?
I was like..HA?? hathe shloun t3ref ene kent bel chalet?la ow weya my cousin?someone was spying on me or what?
Lolwa: entay shdarach?
Jude: a3jbech mu?
Lolwa: la jad shdarach?
Jude: khaloud ow Saleh shafouch weya your cousin ames!
Lolwa: Emmm!!
Jude: elmuhem abeech tyen weyay Fridays
Lolwa: Jude tawne rada men elchalet t3bana
Jude: 3ashane please!!
Lolwa: okay okay-,-
Jude: el7een aye amrech;$
Lolwa: Eeem okay!
Jude: bye
Lolwa: bye

wai333,jad Jude hathe matnbl3..ely sawetah fene mu shwaya!
Bes mardha btyele,ow eldenya mara7 etkhaleeeha..btdour btdour ow y9eer feha methel ma9arle!

I changed my clothes on to training suit,,lana male khelg!!

Gelt 7ag Ahmed ene ray7a fa he insisted to come with me bes bdoun ma jude etla7eth..

He will follow us..

rkbt elsayara weya Jude..
Jude yalaha a phone call..

Jude: hala wallah eb khaloude,saw invite 7ag Saleh fast..
She turned it to speaker so that I can listen!
Khaled: hala uboy,yallah Saleh tkalam!
Saleh: Ha el B**** yamech?
Jude: eeh 7abebe,Sander lock the car!!
*Sander is Jude's driver*

Shele ga3ed y9eerr:(? I TEARED!!

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