-This post is dedicated to my glamorous reader @RawanAIL98
Dst 3ala el'link wela lgait..
Name: Sarah alxxxx
Age: 16
Country: kuwait
Bio: ana esmi sarah bis tgdron etnadone lolwa aw lulu;$
who the hell is she?
ow esmha sarah bis ygdron ynadounha lolwa? *she's taking my place away* *y3ne khathat shkh9ete*
won't let this B****,go away!
It might be Jude or Khaled and Saleh!! *I can accept anything from them,they want to destroy me completely!
Kept searching on google,how to block a website..
el7amedallah after long time..I found a site on google that blocks websites.
invited them to the conversation...
as usual I was fake smiling,talking and laughing..
I was acting like this cause I don't want them to feel that there is something ruining my life right now..
So I ended up the call with random chat.
The day passed quickly..
I woke up..felt that today is my day to act on jude so I called her directly with fake crying voice
*AH-EH-AH* me;$
Jude: shfech lolwa*shocked*
Lolwa: et9adgen ya jude ena fee nas 7aqera la hal daraja ow they published my pin in a website and suddenly those creepy guys are adding me on bbm* fake crying*
Jude: *AM-UM* mnu hathole el7ywanat? *entay elbiggest 7ywana 3ala wajh elarth*
Lolwa: madre wallah,tell me what to doooo!!!?
Jude: wait,let me call Khaled ow Saleh..they might help! *call ya 7abebe call,call el39aba khal tktmel elstory,TFUU*
Lolwa: I'm waiting*still fake crying*
*Jude invited them to the chat ow galatlhum 3ala kel shay,3ala bona they didn't know ow chena mu ehma ely sawaw chethe*
Khaled: Lolwa mnu elkalbb/kalba ely sawat/sawa chethe!
Lolwa: still ya khalid magdart a3ref mnu,bes wallah tonight bro7 weya ukhoy elmakhfar.
Jude,Khaled and Saleh: screamed: MAKHFAR? sh7agaa!! la la e7na en7lha
entaw et7lonha ha? Caught you out LOSERS!!!
Lolwa: well yes makhfr shfekum,,fee wa7da mnt7la shkh9ete?
Jude: wala yhmch,Khaled ow Saleh rjajel mu..ehma y7lonha
Saleh: eeh Lolwa 7abebte,ana ow Khaled en7lha bes wa3ad mu tro7en makhfar lana mu zain bnya etrou7 makhfar ow y6l3 el7ache ow chethe *confused*
Lolwa: Eeem,eeh 9a7 kalamek,yalla bye now..mum is calling
They replied: Bye:*
Mum wasn't calling,bes I needed a break from the act so that I can LAUGHH AT THOSE CREATURES!
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