Sunday, 24 February 2013


-This post is dedicated to my lovely reader @ReliveitBlog <33

Lolwa: 3azouz..
Abdulaziz: ya3yuon 3azouz?amray?samay?
Lolwa: hehehe shd3wa*shy*, baghait agoulek enta lesh 7abeetne?
Abdulaziz: lanech someone different wallah..
Lolwa: bes enta tdre ena what I went throw..
Abdulaziz: oushhh wela kelma..don't complete I know everything and I totally insist on what I said yesterday..
Lolwa: I wanna tell you something..
Abdulaziz: tfthlay
Lolwa: y3ne 3azouz etha 6ala3 el blood test ow galaw ena I have skin cancer? would you still want to be with me?
Abdulaziz: hatha mayabeela kalam lolwa,for sure bakoun weyach!!

SHAGETT EL7ALJJ, couldn't describe my joyfull moments..

After 3 days..
6ala3 t7leel elblood test..

My phone rang!

Lolwa: Hello
Hospital: Madam your blood test paper has finished,you need to come to see the doctor..
Lolwa: Okay,at what time can I come?
Hospital: At 4:30 pm please,thankyou
Lolwa: thanks,bye

Ga6eet my phone on my bed..
I started thinking medam I need to see the doctor,akeed fee shay:)
khalay emantech ballah qwe!

b3dha eb 15 mins.. Abdulaziz dag!

Abdulaziz: ha shlounch?
Lolwa: tamam,u?
Abdulaziz: tamam..elyuom bamrech ow enrou7 nakheth wrqat elta7leel
Lolwa: HA?enta shdarak ena elyuom?la don't come!
Abdulaziz: I told the nurse to call me laman t6la3 wrqat elta7lel,lesh ma'aye?
Lolwa: Abe akoun brou7e..
Abdulaziz: enzain bes awadech,I won't enter with you to the doc..
Lolwa: gelna mabe?
Abdulaziz: yallah 3ashane:(
Lolwa: okay okay,bes madesh..
Abdulaziz: enzain, tghadetay?
Lolwa: la still its 2:40 pm,an6er a7mdo..
Abdulaziz: aha,enzain ana bamrech at 3:30 pm
Lolwa: lesh?
Abdulaziz: enrou7 shway ng3ad eb starbucks
Lolwa: okay:D
Abdulaziz: yallah 7abebe tabeen shay?
Lolwa: salamtek,bye:*
Abdulaziz: bye

Ana barda mu?
well ana sometimes akoun thqela ow sa3at akhaf mene makouu;p
Makou balance adre!!

well ana chethe, I'LL ALWAYS BE DIFFERENT!

At 3:30 pm..
Abdulaziz took me to starbucks..
he had a wonderful chit-chat about our future career and our wishes..

Some stuff were totally common between us which made me feel secure..

It was 4:30 exactly.. we were parking the car which was beside the hospital.

Abdulaziz: 3a6ene edech.. *took my hand and made me press on his heart to hear the beats*
Lolwa: lessh chethe?nabthat galbek et6g bsr3a?*:O*
Abdulaziz: lane khayef akthar menech::

I couldn't answer,This was the first time a7ad ykhaf 3alay ow ysm3ne nabathat galbah..

Elmarah shnu tabe?
ghair wa7ed ykhaf 3aleeha,yghair 3aleeha ow ys2al 3aleeha!!!

That is what women want,Its absloutly easy!!
It doesn't cost,I swear!!!!!!

I was strong..
until I entered the doctor's room and I quickly sat on the seat..

I felt a shiver-ish feeling on my hands and legs..

Lolwa: doctor,I have skin cancer 9a7?

To be continued...

*shnu ttwq3oun? eeh wela la?*
-comments please:* or your questions on my ask:*


  1. omg omg omg please sayy noooo please post asappp

  2. 7abebteeee<333 posted already hope you always enjoy :*
