Saturday, 28 July 2012


she went home ow makamlat baje her classes.

Her mom was cooking food for lunch then suddenly the door knocked hardly ow wara el bab kanat Lolwa.

The maid opened the door..
Her mom went out of the kitchen to see who was knocking the door.

Mom: Lolwa,shyabech embacher ow shfech et6geen el bab chthe?9ayer shay?
Lolwa: Mafe shay.
Mom: shfech goulay,ana omech!
Lolwa: mama,mafe shay bes t'hawasht ma3a jude..ana barou7 anam.
Mom: khalas 7abibty,sleep tight.
Lolwa: inchallah.

she went directly to her room without saying hello to her brother.

Threw her self into the bed and cried without stoping.
She got tired from crying,so that she slept for hours..

The maid came with a tray full of food for Lolwa to eat.

Lolwa: Shele,mane maklamh ow goulay 7ag mama la7ad eye my room.
Leena: Inchallah.

The maid Left the room..
Lolwa jumped from the bed and picked her phone...

She went to the Blackberry contact list and deleted him plus ignore invitations.

Next day she went to school.

She saw Jude,gave her the look and went.

Frendship has been ruin just because of a boy! what a life!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Love began between Khalid and Lolwa.

Betrayness is on its way!!!

After 3 weeks...

Khalid: Lulu 7ayate abe ashoufech?
Lolwa: La ma'agdar!
Khalid: Enzen 3al aqal asma3 your voice.
Lolwa: La khalid.
Khalid: please
Lolwa: We talked about it.
Khalid: enzen bes goulay a7ebk ow sdeh!
Lolwa: Maku.
Khalid: ouf 3aneda.
Lolwa: eeh

Khalid read it bes marad..

The day after..
She went to school and went to the bathroom..

HAHAHAHA-YAROU7E A7BEK!-Anonymous voice
a strange voice eb one of the toliets bel bathroom..

KHALOUD BES TARA AST7E.-Anonymous voice
khaloud?ast7e?mu chenah 9out Jude?la la mu Jude.

Lolwa? Hell no?la ykun Jude wallah low jude...ambaih la inchallah mu Jude*She teared*
Lazem t6la3 now abe a3rf mnuuu!

Lolwa 9arat et9k el bab ow tfta7ah katha mara...
Ouuff yallahhh 6l3ay..

akheran,ambaih allah yster!

the one was in the bathroom went out and it was...


Jude: Lolwa*Her face changed into colours*
Lolwa: Eeh Lolwa ya jude!
Jude: I will explain,wait please.
Lolwa: EXPLAIN WHATTTT!!! HA? Tkhouneen el3shrah ely bainah 3ashan 9bay?*shouted*
Jude: L-AA.
Lolwa: Lesh ya Jude?lahal daraja ana ma'aswah 3andech?
Jude went and hugged Lolwa y3ne btratheha.
Lolwa screamed: WAKHRAYY 3ANE!
Lolwa: men yuom ow raye7 mabe ashoufech fahma!
Jude: La entay fahmtay ghala6.
Lolwa: BYE!
Jude: By-eeeh*started crying*

To be continued...


Lolwa woke up and had a good feeling.

She went to school .

Jude and Fatima standing beside the canteen.

She went towards them....

Jude and Fatima: Hello.
Lolwa: Shlounkum?
Jude: Tamam,banat bagoulkumm shay!
Fatima: zaina,goulay.
Lolwa: goulay sh3andech?
Jude: IIIIIII HAVE A BOYFRIEND*Big smile on her face*
Lolwa: HAAA?JUDE HAS A BOYFRIEND?men metaaaa?
Jude: EEH 3ande,leash 7aram 3alay ow 7alal 3alech?
Lolwa: who said I have one?
Jude: U-mmm,bes 7abet agoulkum!
Lolwa and Fatima: Lesh ma glteelnah men gabel.
Jude: 7abeet everything goes well b3dain agoulkum.
Lolwa: we have to talk on phone,call me bes trden el bait.
Jude: Enzen.

The bell rang.

They went outside and waited.
Jude: mu chnahh hathah Khalid?
Fatima: Eeehhh!
Lolwa: ween? Amb-aihhh inchallah la.
Jude: she pointed at Khalid and said: KAHUUU!!!

Lolwa turned her back towards Khalid and he was calling her.
Elmafrouuthh Marouuuuuu7.
Jude and Fatima pushed her.

Khalid: ta3alay Lesh khayfah mara7 aswelchhh shay.

She came nearer...
Lolwa: nadeetne?
Khalid: EEH abe asm3ech shay.
Lolwa: matgdar edzah bbm.
Khalid: please it won't take time.
Lolwa: uuu-m ok.

Khalid turned on the music...

أنَا و قلْبيْ نِعتِرفْ حَتى عيوُني تعترِفْ بَـ الحُبْ لِك و الشُوقْ لِك لَـ أجْلِك حَبيبيْ نِعتِرفْ فَـ الْوجد أنا مِخفِي غَلاكْ و القلْب هَايمْ في هُواك تِسْحَر عِيوُني مِن حَلاك يَـ كيّف لك مَ نِعترفْ لا مَ بقى فَـ الْجِسمْ رُوحْ الرُوح مَعك أنته ترُوح تَرفِضْ و عَنك مَ ترُوحْ و إن جَتنِي مِنكْ تِـنخِطف يَكْفي ولا تِسأل سُؤال لا تترْك لِـ شككْ مَجَال لَو بُعدنا و الـصّبْر طالْ الْحُب لِك مَ يختلِف

*She laughed and blushed* That's sooooooo romanticccccc!!!!

Khalid: shrayech bel ehda2.
Lolwa: Eeeem nice*shy*
Khalid: wayhech 9ar a7mar*Laughed*
Lolwa: Awwh*shy look*
Khalid: you look so cute with your tomato face.
Lolwa: LOOOOL,thanks.
Khalid: welcome,so then see you soon?
Lolwa: Inchallah.
Khalid: Bye.
Lolwa: Byee. Laaa latrou7, you are so warm chee mal hugg!!!
Jude and Fatima were standing and watching.
When he went they came running.
Jude: Awele 3al romanceyaa!
Fatima: Love birds!
Lolwa: Looool shfekum Tara kela ehda2.
Jude and Fatima: shnu elehda2??
Lolwa: Ana ow galbe n3trf-Rashed almajed.
Jude: Woow!
Fatima: so cute,Tara ra7 tkunen great couples.
Lolwa sra7at ow galat: inchallah
Lolwa oo-h I meant wala shay*confused*
They all laughed..

RAJ arrived.
akheraaan we9al? Yallah bye girls*flying kisses* Rkbt el sayarah ow we9alt elbait.

Jumped into the bed and slept without eating Lunch.
Kept dreaming about her and Khalid together in future.

the Love started between both.